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Customer Reviews Highlight
★★★★★ Mary MT
German "Shedder" not so bad now!

Our German Shepherd was deserving of the nickname German Shedder---her coat always looked awful-- the undercoat showing through in patches, clumps of fur falling out all over the house---I thought it was just the breed as I read that they shed year round. But she developed a couple of hot spots and so we switched her over to this LID Lamb Meal and Brown Rice. Her hot spots cleared up---AND her coat is now BEAUTIFUL---we actually have people comment on how great her coat is now! I would never have believed she could have a sleek and shiny coat! She is nine years old and running around like a much younger dog. We were so impressed that we decided to switch our other dog to this food, too. even though she had no obvious problems.

★★★★★ Janet Wong

Charlie出生於繁殖場,身體自小就經常出現毛病,我花了很長時間為牠尋找合適的食物,終於找到了L. I. D!Charlie胃口不單好轉,抵抗力增強,軟便問題亦從此消失!

★★★★ Catherine Cheng

Daisy患有慢性腸道炎症(IBD),長期上吐下瀉,已經轉食過無數款乾糧,仍未見任何起色。苦無對策之時,竟幸運地遇上L. I. D.。Daisy十分喜愛L. I. D.,腸道炎症也受到妥善控制,我和家人都鬆一口氣!

★★★★ Dickson Fung

Blue嘅問題一直困擾全家人,皮膚時乾時油,毛色暗啞無光澤,又常常周身抓,嚴重時更會抓到滲出血。自從轉食L. I. D.之後,Blue大變身一樣,冇再成日抓痕、紅腫退咗,d毛變滑咗。

★★★★ LG94
Great food for our Pack

Our Dogs have been eating this for years.Great high quality food with healthy ingredients. So grateful that it does not contain any bi products . Our Siberian    Husky & Belgian malinois love it .

★★★★★ 明sir


★★★★★ Atremin
Cured and healthy

My 13‭ ‬year old English Setter had major diarrhea problems and no matter what I tried it would be okay a few days then back again‭. ‬I did my own homework and decided to go the limited ingredient route and chose the salmon sweet potato just by chance and I'm‭ ‬very pleased‭. ‬Compared to other fish based foods‭, ‬I think this food smells great‭. ‬My dog doesn't turn her nose up to it and eats‭ ‬it without any problem‭. ‬I'm very happy and I seriously thank the company for coming up with a very excellent food‭.‬


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